Utsusemi Capture PrivacyPolicy

This privacy policy (the “Policy”) explains how Monochoria Design co.,ltd. (the “Company”) handles information collected from Utsusemi Capture (the “App”) provided on the App Store.

Personal Information
The term “personal information” refers to information about a living individual in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, including name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptive or complex information that can be used to identify a specific individual.

Information Collection
When this application crashes, we may, at your request, obtain a crash report that is sent to Apple. The crash report includes the status of the application, OS, and device at the time of the problem. The crash report will not be sent without your consent.
If you contact us with an inquiry or feedback, we may collect your email address, your name, and other information.
When you access our web pages, we may collect the following technical information.

Information Use
We may use the data we collect for a variety of purposes.

App Data
This app will record the screen as necessary for the app’s main function. macOS Catalina and later versions require the user’s permission to record the screen. A part of the recorded data will be saved in the device you are using, but it will only be used in this app. This app is not equipped with data communication processing, so no data will be transferred to the outside through this app.

Provision of data to third parties
The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the user. However, we may provide personal information to a third party only in the following cases.

Disclosure of Personal Information
When the Company receives a request from a user to disclose his/her personal information, the Company will promptly disclose the information after confirming that the request is made by the user. However, this does not apply to cases where the Company is not obligated to disclose such information under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations.

Correction and deletion of personal information
When we receive a request from a user to correct or delete their personal information, we will take prompt action after confirming that the request was made by the user.

Children’s Privacy
The Site and Services are intended for the general public and are not intended for children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13, and if an individual known to us to be under the age of 13 submits personal information to us, we will delete or destroy that information as soon as reasonably practicable.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
The contents of this policy may be changed without notice to users. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised Privacy Policy shall become effective when it is posted on this website.

Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the following

Effective Date:June 1, 2021